Another Reason To Own A Personal Jump Starter


Here’s an article showing another good reason to have a handy personal jump starter for your car.

Instead of waiting for campus police or security guard you can just grab your portable jump stater and be on your way, saving yourself the embarrassment and the 10$ fee!

The mini jump starters are a good choice because you can keep them just about anywhere.  Here’s a good one for you to consider.

The MicrStart PPS X-1 

These make great gifts too.


Car won't start? A battery jump start costs $10 at the University of Akron: Higher Education Roundup Karen Farkas, The Plain DealerBy Karen Farkas, The Plain Dealer 

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on October 23, 2014 at 8:01 AM, updated October 23, 2014 at 8:02 AM




It will cost University of Akron students $10 to have their battery jump started or keys retrieved from inside their vehicles. (University of Akron) Print Email the author | Follow on Twitter AKRON, Ohio- Nothing is more frustrating for a college student, especially one who lives off campus, than […]


Seems like college students just can’t catch a break anymore.

But with a personal jump starter and power supply that’s one less worry.



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